Publikacja - Examining Impact of Speed Recommendation Algorithm Operating in Autonomous Road Signs on Minimum Distance between Vehicles

Dnia 10 czerwca 2022 na podstawie wyników uzyskanych w projekcie Inznak została opublikowana publikacja pt. Examining Impact of Speed Recommendation Algorithm Operating in Autonomous Road Signs on Minimum Distance between Vehicles autorstwa wykonawców projektu: Andrzeja Sroczyńskiego, Adama Kurowskiego, Szymona Zaporowskiego oraz kierownika projektu prof. dr hab. Andrzeja Czyżewskiego.


An approach to a new kind of recommendation system design that suggests safe speed on the road is presented. Real data obtained on roads were used for the simulations. As part of a project related to autonomous road sign development, a number of measurements were carried out on both local roads and expressways. A speed recommendation model was created based on gathered traffic data employing the traffic simulator. Depending on the traffic volume and atmospheric conditions prevailing on the road, as well as the surface conditions, the proposed system recommends the safe speed for passing vehicles by influencing the distance from the preceding vehicle to prevent collisions. The observed effect of the system application was an increase in the minimal distance between vehicles in most simulations.